Tuesday, April 14, 2009

2004, June - the bio-identical supplementation from a pharmacy

I heard from a client that she had discovered that she was having a weight issue; she couldn't lose any no matter that she spent two hours a day at the gym.... She said she found a local pharmacy that tested her hormone levels and mixed up (a compounding pharmacy) the bio-identical hormones that she needed to get balanced. Since beginning the regime she was losing weight and felt great.

I was very excited to hear this and I contacted the pharmacy and got started on my journey. The pharmacy also had a lab they worked with and a Doctor that writes the prescriptions based on the lab results. You never see the Doctor, just his name appears on the compounding pharmacy prescriptions. I found out that you deal with the Pharmacists if you have a question or concern. Well, that was the beginning of the disaster for me.

On one day you might call the Pharmacy and you would get a female Pharmacist and any other day it might be the male Pharmacist. Or vice versa. Either way, they both had very different ideas about how to tweak your regime. It was a night mare. One might suggest you take more Progesterone and the other might totally disagree and insist you should increase Estrogen. And they would argue between themselves while you were hanging on the phone.

In addition to that they prescribed a substance called Isocort. I felt great at first and it really gave me a boost in energy but it really packed on the pounds around my waist. And I have never gotten rid of them. So be careful!

Isocort is designed to increase cortisol levels but with that comes the fat. As with the Pharmacy's other blunders they must have had me on too much of the Isocort.

Needless to say I was dissapointed with my results and quit the Pharamacy and went in search for someone a little more stable and experienced.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Journey to better health

I am like a great many people that grew up and lived life to it's fullest. Youthful daring adventures, experiments, too much partying, over indulgence of things that were known to not be very healthy. All in all I was probably conservative comparatively.

Now, I look back on that and other parts of my life and realize there were shaping me to be the person I am today. OK, not so bad, but the damage to the physical body needs to be undone.

That is what this second half of my life is going to be about. Join me on my journey.

When it all started

I began having mean-o-pause symptoms in 2003. I heard of Suzanne Somers drive to find a way to balance hormones and the nasty mean-o-pause symptoms naturally.

So, I began reading her books and contacting the physcians listed in her book. I found that many of them were already not taking any new clients.

It was such a storm, such a HOPE of relief for so many women. I had heard other women speak of the issues; the night sweat and the hot flashes and I laughed at all the jokes. It's not all that funny when it hits you. I was not prepared for the misery that rains down on many aspects and eventually all aspects of your life.

I read everything I could get my hands on. I tried many things and some worked and others did not.

I am here to help others now. I have been trained and certified and have plenty of years of on the job training.